Building Examples

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Connection Collage

There are many connections made in dance, whether it takes place between two people or just one person and a ribbon. When two people dance together they rely on eachother to stay in balance and in harmony, and are always aware of the space around them. The connection a dancer has with the space around them can be something very magical. A single dancer with a ribbon can give the illusion of taking up a lot of space and then quickly contract allowing other dancers to occupy his or her space and never colliding. Like buildings when one dancer moves the other moves in a way that compliments and supports his or her partner sometimes creating forms that seem impossible to be standing on their own.

1 comment:


    Saw this link for you.
    The use of the movement of dance is a wonderful metaphor for your project. The fluidity of the dancers - do they touch, connect, spin, rotate... I can start to visualize the architectural forms.
