Building Examples

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Section Correct Orientation

1" = 20'-0"

FINAL MASSING...... Subject To Change..... Again

I don't feel I got the effect or image that has been dancing in my mind and covering my notebooks, I feel the ribbon has taken over and I lost track of it's function.

Floor plans and Section

So below are some of my floor plans, I fear that my concept, the ribbon was a lot harder than I thought. I see these wonderful spaces in my mind and cant seem to get them out 3 dimensionally. I need to work a lot more on this in Rhino or CAD to help me understand the weaving of levels I intended for the monks, I feel only then will I draw it correctly and understand it.  So below are the areas I laid out and a working section.

Cellar Floor Upper Level Entrance

Cellar Floor Lower Level 

4th Floor Lobby With Path to Chapel through vineyard

5th - 8th Floors Guest
Section Looking East

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Massing Play

Here is a quick massing model I made, I like it but it is missing something.

I decided to play with this in photoshop to help me quickly see where light comes through and how it sits on the site. I like this it keeps the ribbon concept, however, I feel it needs something.


Ok, so I know I haven't posted anything in a while, but I have been working... Below are some images of rough plans and elevations and forms I have been playing with. 

I have 3 main areas within my design, the winery, the monastery and the lodging for visitors. I have been playing with each area individually and then working on connecting them through ribbons of circulation. Above is the monastery and area where the grapes are grown.

Below are many schemes for the layout of the winery below ground.

There is much more to come, as I have full plans and a section of my design I just wanted to post what I have been up to so there is no gap in my process.